Our Resources

Say Yeah! Curriculum

The YEAH! Curriculum has been developed in an attempt to highlight the best at-home practices which can help improve teen health. It has particularly been curated with an emphasis on mental wellbeing, an effective investigation of prevalent problems, and access to treatments available and preventative measures.

Yeah! Podcast Series

The Yeah! Podcast Series seeks to promote conversations relating to adolescent health, well-being, and related issues among its target audience through an accessible resource, with emphasis on encouraging discussions around issues that might otherwise be considered taboo, or are rarely talked about. Episodes in this series include:

  1. Say Yeah! To Self-Care: Taking Care of your Mind and Body

  2. Saying Yeah! And Saying No!: Understanding Consent in the Indian Context

  3. Say Yeah! To Destigmatizing Menstruation

  4. Say Yeah! to Yourself: Understanding Body Image

  5. Mind and Body: The Relationship between Mental and Physical Health

  6. A Teenage Guide to Making School Inclusive and Accessible